Hallo alle zusammen,
kann jemand von euch Englisch? wenn schon würdet Ihr bitte meine Definition euch angucken und korrigieren wenn schon da Fehler drin ist. Ich habe die Definitionen aus den Nachschlagewerken entnommen, ich weiß aber nicht ob ich sie richtig zitiert und beschrieben habe. Helft mir bitte ich muss sie bis diesen Donnerstag abgeben.
Danke im Vorraus
Definition of Plagiarism
As Gibaldi has described, the word plagiarism comes originally from the Latin word Plagiarius ´´Kidnapper´´ (Gibaldi, Joseph. Definition of Plagiarism in: MLA Handbook for Writers and of Research Papers´ (The MLA of America .New York, 2003) 66).
In addition the verb to plagiarize denotes ´´ to take and use (the thoughts, writings, inventions etc. of another person) as one´s own´´ (The Concise Oxford Dictionary (8th ed., 1990) 909).
According to the Random House Dictionary of the English Language plagiarism refers to "the appropriation or imitation of the language, ideas and thoughts of another author and representation of them as one´s original work´´ (The Random House Dictionary of the English Language (The unabridged ed., 1966) 1100).F
Furthermore plagiarism is described as a form of frauding ´´to steal and pass off as one´s own (the ideas, words of someone other) to use a created production without crediting the source ´´ (Webster´s Third New International Dictionary (unabridged with seven Language Dictionary., 1976) 1878).
With regard to the Longman Dictionary of the English Language plagiarism signifies ´´to commit literary theft´´ and ´´to present it as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. (Longman Dictionary of the English Language (1st ed., 1984) 1123).
Plagiarism also means ´´to adopt and reproduce as one´s own´´ and ´´to appropriate to one´s own use, and incorporate to work, without acknowledgement, the ideas of others, passages from their writings etc. (The Universal English Dictionary ( 1st ed. 1932) 870).
According to Booth, Colomb, and Williams you commit plagiarism ´´when, whether intentionally or not, you use someone else´s words or ideas but fail to credit that person. You plagiarize even when you do credit the author but use his exact words without so indicating with quotation marks or block indentation. You also plagiarize when you use words so close to those in your source´´ (C.Booth, Wayne, Gregory G.Colomb, Joseph M. Williams. Plagiarism Defined in: The Craft of Research. The University of Chicago Press, 1995) 167).
Merhaba Zeynep,
Düzeltmeye çalıştım.
Kolay gelsin!
Definition of Plagiarism
As Gibaldi has explained, the word plagiarism originally comes from the Latin word Plagiarius, ´´kidnapper´´ (Gibaldi, Joseph. Definition of Plagiarism in: MLA Handbook for Writers and of Research Papers´ (The MLA of America. New York, 2003) 66).
The verb to plagiarize means ´´to take and use (the thoughts, writings, inventions etc. of another person) as one´s own´´ (The Concise Oxford Dictionary (8th ed., 1990) 909).
According to the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, plagiarism refers to ´´the appropriation or imitation of the language, ideas and thoughts of another author and representation of them as one´s original work´´ (The Random House Dictionary of the English Language (The unabridged ed., 1966) 1100).F
Furthermore, plagiarism is described as a form of frauding ´´to steal and pass off as one´s own (the ideas, words of another) to use a created production without crediting the source ´´ (Webster´s Third New International Dictionary (unabridged with seven Language Dictionary., 1976) 1878).
According to the Longman Dictionary of the English Language, plagiarism signifies ´´to commit literary theft´´ and ´´present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. (Longman Dictionary of the English Language (1st ed., 1984) 1123).
Plagiarism also means ´´to adopt and reproduce as one´s own´´ and ´´to appropriate to one´s own use , and incorporate to work, without acknowledgement, the ideas of others, passages from their writings etc. ( The Universal English Dictionary ( 1st ed. 1932) 870).
Booth, Colomb, and Williams comment that you commit plagiarism ´´when, intentionally or not, you use someone else´s words or ideas but fail to credit that person. You plagiarize even when you do credit the author but use his exact words without so indicating with quotation marks or block indentation. You also plagiarize when you use words so close to those in your source´´ (C.Booth, Wayne, Gregory G.Colomb, Joseph M. Williams. Plagiarism Defined in: The Craft of Research. The University of Chicago Press, 1995) 167).
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