Almanca Türkçe Sözlük Forum

A Good Mystery: Why We Read  


Guten Tag alle zusammen :),

ich habe eine Hausaufgabe in Englisch, die ich diesen Donnerstag abgeben muss. Ich habe den Text und die Zusammenfassung als Datei angehängt. Es wäre sehr sehr nett, wenn jemand für mich die Ziet opfern würde den Text zu lesen und meine Zusammenfassung zu korrigieren. Ich habe Zweifel an der Grammatik und dem Inhalt. Ich hoffe ich habe den Text richtig verstanden. Ich bitte um Euer Verständnis und bedanke mich herzlich bei allen, die mir helfen würden.

Danke im Voraus



In “A Good Mystery: Why We Read “, written by Motoko Rich and published on November 25, 2007, in the New York Times, Rich argues that reading struggles to preserve its peculiarity and future despite of the rivalry and forces of the media, especially the internet and television. At first she asked the audience how and why people are hooked on reading and consequently become a serious reader. To prove her statements, Rich cites different authors´ personal experiences and recollections about reading. For Rich, reading has the power to appeal to people. Furthermore Rich claims that people become addicted readers when they find a resemblance, an identification, a reflection of themselves in a book´s character. The younger people are when they make such an experience, the better. And like sports, reading requires practice. Moreover Rich asserts that readers increasingly pay attention to Internet blogs and television shows where they can also find reflections of themselves; while in the past only books were able to satisfy people's hunger for narrative and textured characters, nowadays these qualities can be found in television soaps too. But finally Rich stresses that books have survived many deaths, so there still is a hope. But on the other hand she worries that reading might not have a future because it has to compete with forces such as television shows, the internet, electronic gadgets etc. According to Rich the book sales are declining slowly in comparison to the marketing budgets of the forces mentioned above. Finally Rich concludes that reading unfortunately suffers, however it strives to outlive.

Kolay gelsin!


Sagol güzel olmus, ellerine saglik :).


Rica ederim. :)


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